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Desislava Petrova a.k.a. DpSIGN

This site is designed by me to show selected part of my professional work.
BIG THANKS to I-Sol and Mindcraft for coding and implementation of this web site.


What I can do

Since 2003 I am seriously engaged in web / graphic design. This is what I really love to do.
I worked for a large variety of clients. This portfolio must give you a sense of what I am capable.

I'm constantly improving and developing my knowledge, skills and abilities for creating functional, stylish and clean designs.

I work with Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Image Ready, In Design, FLASH, Dreamweaver) and Corel Draw. I've HTML / CSS knowledge.


Get in touch

If you are interested in connecting with me about a career opportunity, Web Designer position or you have a need of functional, stylish, informative and good-looking clean web design or logo design, feel free to send me an e-mail.

| Look my CV: on LinkedIn
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